A continent in stats

                First people to run the length of South America, unsupported (pulled a trailer with all kit & food) Katharine is First woman to run the continent Katharine completed 2nd longest run ever undertaken by a woman First people to run  Amazon Basin First people to run Bolivia …

Forbes Article: Lessons on Business & Life from Running a Continent

Lovely article in Forbes by Danielle Rossingh:- David Lowrie was 30 years old and climbing up the ranks as a management consultant at accounting firm Accenture in the City of London. But increasingly weary of the lifestyle and lack of work-life balance that come with working for a large international company, Lowrie embarked on a …

Published Today!- Running South America with my Husband and other animals

Spring accompanied us, unfurling her new leaves and blossoms and emptying her dizzying fragrances into the valleys, forests and mountains. My mood soared. Night arrived later and later as the sun refused to set. So the bustle in the woods and rivers continued: the local frog quartet clattered and tapped, a South American snipe rose …


Running South America with my Husband and other animals is winging its way to book stores across the land now! We’ll be talking and selling/signing books throughout the UK over the following months and would love to see you. Events so far include: Rutland Birdfair– Saturday 19th August (0930) Rothbury Hall- Northumberland, Thursday 31st August …