A break from running; time to find our parrot

We have been unusually quiet over the last week. The reason is we took time out to learn more about the charity, Armonia,  we are jointly running for. If a picture speaks a thousand words, please enjoy a 29,000 word essay below, click the arrow on the gallery to begin playback. It has been an …

How to become a Wildlife Detective

As you skip through the woods, fields or moorland or perhaps view the world from atop of a gnarly oak tree, do you ever wonder…. Where do animals hide during the day….? Do animals follow paths, even motorways….? What do they eat…..? Why not become a WILDLIFE DETECTIVE and start sniffing, watching & feeling for Wild Signs, to find out who …

El “Independent Blog”: Armadillo asado –una receta para la extinción

Provincia de Salta, al norte de Argentina. Dos niñas están paradas al costado del camino. Pasa un auto plateado con vidrios polarizados. Las niñas le muestran algo, pero el auto sigue de largo. Sin embargo, enseguida se detiene y retrocede. Tres hombres corpulentos, de pantalones blancos y anteojos oscuros, bajan del auto para inspeccionar eso …

The Independent Blog: Roast Armadillo- A Recipe for Extinction?

Salta Province, northern Argentina. Two children stand by the side of the road. A silver car with blackened windows drives passed. The girls wave something at it. The car continues, but suddenly grinds to a halt and reverses. Three portly men in white trousers and shades, step out of the car to inspect what they’re …

“Have you seen an Anaconda or any other snakes?”

Question from six year old Tommy of Dulverton Somerset, UK. Thank you for asking Tommy! You´ve asked a very popular question. Lots of people are interested in snakes and the species (types) we are seeing. So here goes……..! The Answer: NO & YES+ VIDEO BELOW!!! YES: Now that we are in the Tropics and running …