1. Love the updates, and this film was great. Bit worried about your ice-skating skills Dave. Don’t go getting injured! Hope the trailor gets fixed, and you enjoy the feast to lighten the load. Good luck, and look firward to the next update xxx Team GB are having a bit of a Gold riush at the moment, so hope some of the good fortune makes it your way too!

    • thanks abby – yes – i remember playing sunday league football in sheffield and on slippy winter ground i lack grace – thelocals who had gathe taunted me with bambi comments!! trailer arms snapped off again last niht but have re-splinted them – need to rebuild in a place where bamboo grows, so better start running North. Following GB from afar, great news, thanks for the update!! hope to cathc some in th next village – they are watching it here too.

      ciao, dave and kath

  2. Thought the river crossing was an extreme way of getting off to a clean start. How we envy your cool climate as we sit in the sweaty tropics near Rio. So pleased you got underway on time and without too much drama. Is attitude inverse to latitude yet? Greatly admire your determination. That axle arrangement is prone to bending. Reconsider using front fork arrangement, will make recovery from inevitable mishaps easier and quicker. Keep facing the sun, warmth is just over the horizon. Our very best wishes we will track your progress when able. Max and Sandy

    • hey guys! oh,how do we dream of Rio!!! ice inside the tent this morning as wll as outside . .. !
      yes – tried to source the forks in natales but in the n time ran out- have rebuilt with batons either side or wheels to share the load. Still to far south for bamboo to rebuild th whole thing – you wee right – you simply cannot cut the stuff in any way without weakeneing it – those notched joints to allow it to fit in a bus and the be reconnected failed pretty early. ok – better roll – 100km to natales……..

  3. Pingback:Naked river crossings in winter wonderland epic quest to find the start line | 5000 Mile Project

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