The Ecologist Magazine: Is there an alternative to this silent massacre?

British Adventure Ecologists Katharine and David Lowrie ask whether there is an alternative to this silent massacre…… Two thousand and eight hundred miles; the equivalent of running between Lands End and John O’Groats three times! This is the distance my husband and I have now run through the continent of South America. And nearly every …

“The Ecologist Magazine”: Running into the Grassland Queen of Patagonia

People around the world acknowledge the importance of forests and trees to humankind and the survival of our planet. But grasslands; the wind-torn steppe of South America or rolling prairies of Northern America; surely these do not score highly in the global index of priority conservation habitats? Wrong. This diminutive habitat is in fact an …

Winners of the Christmas Charity Draw Wildlife Paintings

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who entered our Christmas Charity Draw. We sold 98 tickets, raising a grand total of US$708, or GBP 442.50. This is now winging its way to Conservacion Patagonica our fantastic charity who are restoring extremely threatened wildlands and wildlife in southern Chile. The two lucky winners are: Gill Reid …

The Independent Blog:Shoots of Recovery in Patagonia After a Century of Over-Grazing

If you were to consider man’s impact on the natural world, it would perhaps begin with industrialisation. Hot-footed in its path would follow a tangle of pollution, booming populations, intensive agriculture and over-consumption. During the past 700 miles of our 5000mileproject odyssey…. Please click here for the blog:              

Re-wilding of Valle Chacabuco

In just one morning, whilst heading out with Luigi to place a puma camera we recorded all these wonderful species  in Valle Chacabuco, Chile. Until 2004, the 78,000 ha estancia was being grazed to destruction by thousands of cattle and sheep. Conservacion Patagonica, our charity, is now restoring the area and native wildlife and plants …

So we thought we had it bad….!

We have just arrived into Valle Chacabuco, the area of  Patagonia we are raising money for, through our charity Conservacion Patagonica. Our first glimpse of this astounding mountainous landscape tells us just how much help folk here trying to restore this place are going to need – this is phenomenal! We were collected by pick-up off our route 11km …