Back to work blues, a new fan and new sleeping arrangements

Back-to-work blues. Our planned weekend-break off our route to renew Argentinian visas, check on our floating home in Uruguay and renew certain kit items turned into a 12 day mega-break (escape?) from the running, breaking all my spreadsheets and plans for a big January total, such ill-discipline! Our bodies were screaming for break after 25-weeks …

Leaving San Rafael

We left Trotamundos Hostel in San Rafael on New Year’s day 2013 with a group of friends and a packed trailer with food and water for the long open road to San Luis!

100 days running in images

Selected Images from the first 100 days of running, winter, spring, and a brief look at the new desert conditions, and with a novel idea for chafe-avoidance on the last slide, sorry! [oqeygallery id=10]

The Long Winding Road

It all began in ice, snow and blizzards. We found ourselves swimming naked through sub-zero rivers in a Patagonian winter, wading through snow drifts, stumbling over jagged coastal cliffs, crawling under crowded limbs of southern beech forests and chasing puma tracks on our way to the most southerly point of continental South America, Cabo Froward. …

A Day In The Life

03:23 Need a wee. Good sign, this means at least I am drinking enough for once. I squirm around a bit in the hope that the wee will find a space which it hadn’t before found to rest for a bit, and leave me alone to sleep. It won’t so I crawl to the doorway …