Camouflage: The magical disappearing act of the least seedsnipe!

Key words: Camouflage, Pampas, Chile, Argentina, Least Seedsnipe Yesterday we were running through a very flat landscape of yellows, browns and dark greens. Tussocky spiky grasses and low thorny scrub stretched into the horizon with pebbles and boulders for miles. This is the Pampas- the grassland and shrubland of southern Chile and Argentina. A wild …

Quick Update: Hitting our heads against a wifi wall!

Having problems connecting to wifi at the moment…sorry for the sloth-like email responses and updates. Basically we’re hitting our heads against the wall trying.. but not succeeding. On the road we had ice and snow; which froze everything including the pans, laptop, our fingers and well our brians… But the main problem now is internet …

Section 4 Chile to Argentina: quicky in numbers

According to the plan we laid out for the first month we should be running machines by now, easily chewing up 100 mile weeks – are we? The last section has been a real challenge for our bodies, yet again forced to take 10 days worth of supplies for a lack of

A surprise visitor on a windy day in patagonia

On the desolate and icy Ruta 9 from Morro Chico to Puerta Natales, Chile, traffic is hardly nose to tail. In fact since we set off this morning we have seen only a handful of 4×4´s and the odd bus lumbering past. They scrutinise us as we do them, nods and waves are exchanged but this …