Q. What is the craziest animal you have ever seen?

Thanks Master Elithorn from Farnham for that question! Well, it´s good timing too, because we were running through Brazil the other day and what we saw blew our minds!!! A Giant Anteater! They live in all sorts of habitats but  in many places they are not doing well at the moment. It is easiest to …

Una solución simple para usar una vez al mes….

Cada ítem que ponemos en el carrito (que venimos empujando por más de 5000 millas en la nieve, lluvias torrenciales, barro pantanoso) es crucial. No puede ser de otra manera. Cada objeto superfluo implica más demandas para nuestras rodillas, nuestras articulaciones, nuestra espalda. Especialmente escalando los Andes, o ahora, en la cuenca del Amazonas, corriendo …

El Periodico `Independent´:Una visita al corazón de los pulmones del mundo

Un río de sudor corre por mi pecho. A la distancia, el rugir de los truenos desata la orquesta del Amazonas. Grillos, chicharras y saltamontes chillan con anticipación desesperada. Un par de tucanes pechiblancos aúllan desde sus perchas entre las ramas. Tres pihas gritonas se suman en un crescendo, escondidas en el entramado verde. La …

The Independent Blog: A visit to the heart of the lungs of the world

A trickle of sweat runs down my chest. Distant rumbles of thunder trigger an Amazon orchestra. Crickets, cicadas and grasshoppers whine in desperate anticipation. A pair of white-throated toucans yelp in their lofty perches above the canopy. Three screaming piha birds join the crescendo from their skulking perches in the green latticework. The forest is …

Running with Parrots

From the very South to the North of continental South America we have been in the company of parrots. Watching them preening, screaming over our heads, excavating nests or apparently checking us out on ´ fly-bys´ has just been amazing. They never cease to brighten us up and remind us how amazing this wild planet …