Homing: from Africa to Scotland

We moved to our first home together (non-floating kind) last autumn 2019. It took 12 hours from Devon to reach the West Coast of Scotland. For our winged visitors, it took months. A steady passage of: chiffchaffs, sand martins, willow warblers, cuckoos, swallows, black caps, grass-hopper warblers, spotted flycatchers, sedge warblers, even an osprey, homed …

Published Today!- Running South America with my Husband and other animals

Spring accompanied us, unfurling her new leaves and blossoms and emptying her dizzying fragrances into the valleys, forests and mountains. My mood soared. Night arrived later and later as the sun refused to set. So the bustle in the woods and rivers continued: the local frog quartet clattered and tapped, a South American snipe rose …

Questions on Running & Wildlife in South America

We visited a marvellous Devon primary school, Landscore, who we have been sharing stories with ever since we sailed from the UK to work in international conservation in 2008. We were really excited to meet up with their Headmaster Mr Read again, as well as all the teachers and school children. The children asked us loads of fab, juicy, …

Couple sponsoring BirdLife are first in the world to run the entire length of South America unsupported, but supported nature throughout

Imagine how it would feel to run into the Caribbean Sea… Now imagine running into the Caribbean Sea after having run a marathon whilst pulling a trailer weighing up to 100kg… Now imagine running into the Caribbean Sea after having run a marathon almost every day with a trailer for 15 months! This is the …

Our new long-shiny-nosed office colleague

We’re sitting in the office of Armonía (our Bolivian bird & wildlife charity). We’re tapping articles, uploading photos, compiling school presentations and catching up on all the tasks we dream about doing as we run. We always plan to achieve so much after the daily 20 mile slog, but after finding a home for the …

Relief: In the Andes Rain Shadow.

Key Words: Precipitation, Pacific Ocean, Chile, Prevailing Wind, Andes, Vapour, Condensation, Glaciers, Adapt, Rain shadow, Relief Rain For the first part of our expedition we ran through rain and snow in southern Chile. Precipitation is the term used for rain, sleet, hail and snow; any form of water that falls from the sky. This precipitation …

Secret hot springs in sheeting rain…

[start] Update from the road: 30 October 2012 “Cascadas Escondidas” Campsite, Parque Pumalin, Carretera Austral, Chile. Puerto Montt: 150km north. Nearing the end of the Carretera Austral. Arrived into Chaiten, a town on the Pacific coast, a couple of days ago. In 2008, Volcan Chaiten erupted spewing ash all over the town and surrounding forest …