“No No No No”!

We applied for a National Geographic grant. We got through to the final round of judging, but today we were told, “NO”.

It’s a real shame, as the grant would have covered all our expedition costs; allowing us to focus on raising money for wildlife and wilderness charities.

In retrospect, we are not exploring a previously unchartered rainforest in Papua New Guinea, studying a forgotten tribe in the Kalahari nor undertaking research on a critically endangered species. So perhaps our broad aspirations just did not tick their boxes?

We also failed to acquire a Gore grant, but all five winners were climbers, so extreme adventure running with an eco-twist likely just didn’t fit.

Then, a, “NO” from a sponsorship request from Brooks running.

So that’s 3 Nos in one day!

We have been running on a silver cloud, with so much positive feedback and kit offers, but I suppose the knock backs are just part of the journey?

In the meantime, companies, philanthropists, kit manufacturers, great aunts….


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