The Independent Blog: A stitch in time for the Ozone Hole, a cause for celebration?

As I wake up inside our puffy down-feather sleeping bag, the body aches from running a marathon yesterday and the mind aches with the reality that Katharine, my fellow adventure runner and I will do it again today and tomorrow too. We are running the length of South America in a year, hauling our trailer …

Burrowing Parrots in the Desert

When you think of parrots, what do you see? Bright colours, squawking calls, luscious rainforests…. The first two definitely apply to the screeching, colourful flocks flying over us, but the last; NOT. Here in one of the most menacingly arid and hostile lands either of us have run through; where thorns the size of chop-sticks …

Question From George, Longhorsley, UK “Why didn’t you take Wellington boots with you?” Answer: Yes, we would have loved to have a pair of Wellington boots each to keep our feet dry. A very good idea. The problem is we are pulling all our gear with us and so have to be very careful not …

The Independent Blog: A chance meeting with the “Earth People” of Patagonia

Patagonia is a fabled land of staggering proportions, pristine beauty and hidden treasures. A landscape which haunts your childhood dreams, where fairies and magicians creep. Since the first day of the London Olympics, my husband David and I have been winding through its forests and endless pampas on a running expedition from the southern-most tip …